How can you help Cardona Village Association?
We need your support!
Here's just a few ways you can help us keep Cardrona thriving.
Become a CVA member
Not only do you gain a whole host of benefits for each subscription, we'll also receive an extra 25% as gift aid from the government if you pay tax. Win, win.
Do good, feel good
If you'd like to donate your time or expertise or have an awesome idea you think we can help you bring to life - we'd love to hear from you! Not all superheroes wear capes.
Give us a boost
As the saying goes 'every little helps', we massively appreciate any donation you can spare to support maintaining and improving our community.
Local partnerships
Are you a local business and would like to join forces for good? It'd be great hear more and see if together, we could create meaningful connections.
Join the CVA board
Help by sharing your expertise and skills.